There is a person who in the last 2 months has had to really slog,
Hence i thought it was very worth mentioning her on my blog.
I never knew this lady was really so strong from inside,
Coz every setback for him in hospital she took in her stride.
She lived her entire life under his shadow,
But throughout his suffering she did not mellow.
Every single day she was there with him in hospital,
And do believe me that in itself is very brutal.
With every passing day his health condition started looking very grim,
But still she managed to never break down a single day in front of him.
It was always expected that his passing away would bring out all the tears she had so long controlled,
And despite efforts by one and all there was no better person from whom she would get consoled.
I know she will miss his presence every single day of her life,
And that is something one can't help as she was his wife.
Hopefully with time she will come in terms with his loss,
Coz that is something in words we won't be able to put across.
Every moment that we fell down its you we used to clutch,
For everything you have been to us mom, thank you very much.
I know that words don't express everything one feels. However i think i did manage to express some things she had been through in the last 2 months.