Relations can be inherited by birth or formed in the natural course,
However what matters in the end is there should be no remorse.
Maintaining relations with one and all is kind of a challenge in every sense,
And the feeling one derives after achieving this is really very immense.
There are also some relations that are forgotten in the due course of time,
But it is not something like a person has committed a heinous crime.
Ideally relations need to be strengthened with every passing day,
But invariably in today's world most relations seem to be going astray.
Time is something which is really needed for maintaining a relation,
Coz without that cracks would definitely start appearing in its foundation.
Just boasting about one's so called relations is really not enough,
Coz what matters in the end is who stands by U when you're in the rough.
How Related are U?
Relation is a two way affair. Its like relation building from both the side. If it falls down from one side then it won't stand.
As per my opinion before we think how related we are?
we should think...
How we are related to others?
@ Prashant: That's true man,
hey cedric! good to see more stuff on ur blog :-)
nice piece dude. n what u say is very true. this reminds me of the opening lines in lage raho munnabhai... where the RJ says that we all hv so many means but yet find it so difficult to maintain relations, not at all an easy thing to do. makes u think... good one!
@ revathi: Hey i did not hear that line while watching the movie. Nywyas what that guys says is really a statement worth thinking.
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