Alistair gets 6 month for killing 7 people
The headline in yesterday's newspaper was worth a stare,
As this involved the infamous guy in news named Alistair,
7 laborers lost their lives after this guy's rash driving,
But just 6 months of jail term is what he got for his striking.
This is not the first time a rich brat has got away,
And this shows how our judicial system is unfair,
Officers involved screwed the case with their investigation,
And this has bailed out Alistair and brought him elation.
The persons who died in this accident involved daily wage workers,
Hence an appeal against this judgment is just not round the corner,
Everyone who has been following the case knows the trial was not fair,
However with the system in place right now its fun for guys like Alistair.
Hey Cedric the whole world is thinking wat Alistair has done is wrong...gimme 1 good reason wat wrong he did....Dude footpath is made for walking and not for sleeping....whatever physical damage he has done he is guilty for that...if someone is sleeping on road and coming under your car....its not your mistake....it is the mistake of a guy who is sleeping on footpath....If alistair would have killed a person while crossing a road or while walking on footpath then you are 100% rite..in this scenario u need to rethink.....
Just as you say foootpath is made for walking and not for sleeping, similarly roads are made for driving and not footpaths. See, mumbai and all developing cities have an influx of migrants and with the kind of system in place, one cant prevent them from making footpaths their home. I myself hate this and hope that better systems were in place to prevent these people from occupying the footapths. On my way to office daily, i see these migrants cooking, bathing and doing all possible things on the footpaths. Its a bad situation out now.
However that does not permit guys like Alistair or anyone to drive their vehicles on them. I dont know on what basis he was sentenced to 6 months prison. Either he is guilty or he is not. By giving the kind of sentence he got, it seems that human life counts for nothing.
Everyone commits mistakes in life, however if human life is lost in the process then i guess on ehas to pay for it.
To Anonymous,
I read this news in Mid-day that Alistair got imprisonment of 6 months and Rs. 5 lac fine. I am a resident of Bandra and I know that people sleeping on the road where the workers who were in-process of building the road at Carter Road. I am totally convinced and agree with what Cedric has said.
Though I am not a lawyer but I smell something very fishy and there are many similarities between Alistair case and Salman Khan case which happened some years ago. Some of the similarities are:
1) Both were drunk.
2) Salman killed some 2-3 people and Alistair killed 7 people.
3) Both stay in the same locality and the case was with Bandra Police Station.
Salman's case is still going in the court, while Mr. Alistair is set free. Somehow I think that based on this ground that Alistair also was released, Salman's lawyer will set him free too.
Some things which I would like to bring to your notice is that, Alistair was under age to drive a car and he was drunk. So many mistakes and still he set free with such a small punishment. I think the system and you should rethink, instead of Cedric rethinking on this issue.
To Altaf,
Please stop watching Ekkta Kkapoor's serial and stop smelling althose fishy things.....
Boy listen if he is drunk he should be charged for that.....if is under age he should be fined for that....n not for killing coz he did'nt did it intentionally....If he would hv done it intentionally than that is called as Killing....this is a mere accident and accident happens in everyones life.....U guyz need make sure whether it is accident or killing????? before giving any judgement....
hello anonymous,
its strange that u r accusing ppl here. even stranger is the fact that u r scared to reveal ur identity. basically u r a coward n also an airhead. whatever makes u say that mr. altaf is watching ekta kapoor's serials. pls wake up n just look around. so long as such incidents of death dont happen to our immediate family members, its fine. n pray u r not one such family losing a dear one in such a manner. nobody is asking anyone to be unnecessarily siding or favouring the ppl sleeping on the footpath. all the same, learn to be empathetic n please sympathise towards those who truly deserve it.
if someone has died in an accident at the hands of someone else, u CANNOT call it accident only. it has taken away someone's life. so it is killing. i wud go a step further n call KILLING *SEVEN* ppl a massacre! please refer to the oxford dictionary n also the legal clauses n get ur definitions right.
n if u have issues with people sleeping on the road, ask urself what u r doin to help these lesser priviledged people out. pls grow up n make more reasonable statements.
To Rev,
1. Instead of asking me to refer to Oxford Dictionary I think you seriously need to refer it…Anyways for your GYAN refer this from Wikipedia “An accident is a detrimental event that occurs unexpectedly and unintentionally” and Killing is something we do intentionally.
2. Why should I do anything for this under privileged people???? First thing I work hard for myself and for my family and not for such people……U knw Rev because of u guys this under privileged people will never become self dependent…… coz u never give them a chance to work hard and earn for themselves….u guyz always support such anti social activity like begging…in turn u r screwing up india’s economic development……because this guyz will never do anything in their life other than begging…..on top it we are having social workers like u who wants other to be part of such anti social act like helping under privileged people.
Note: Begging is used as an example…..
3. I again repeat Alistair should be held guilty for accident and not for killing……Rev I think u need to grow up and stop asking other people to help your so called under privileged people……
to anonymous,
i did not say give these underpriviledged ppl money, i did not even refer to them as beggars. it is U who ius refering to begging n equating them to beggars. so tho u hv said "begging is used as an example", u r indirectly calling these ppl the same.
i am not a social worker. n i dont even look at the term as one in good light. gueess today it has more unfortunate n unnecessary connotations to it than needed. dont forget that these ppl r probably immigrants who are looking for work or are probably WORKING!! so ur first assumption that these guys r not doin anything (besides begging as u wud like to believe or so u r accusing me of helping such ppl) is wrong!
for all u know they wud be working in some construction site or road building activvity.
coming to my understanding n ur MIS-understanding of the term "accident" and "killing", these r relative terms n in the context in which they co-exist, ie. in this case of drink-drive-kill, this accident is an accident to one n killing for the other n thereby Alistair has killed people who have died for no fault of theirs.
n lastly something which u hv invited me to do, tho i wudnt want to interfere in ur family or ur life, u working only for ur family just shows how closed n how selfish u r. i m not saying that earning n living for ur family is wrong. but m just saying that we need to be a bit more concerned n sympathetic to ppl who need it.
i am not saying give these ppl sleeping on the road money. i am saying generate jobs for them, say ask them to clean ur cars, clean ur 2-wheelers. teach them some small things like helping u fetch the laundry, teach them small jobs like cleaning the house, or utensils, teach them some basic reading, or speaking. teach them some handicraft skills if u know any. these r small things which u can impart to ppl around n help them become more self-sufficient n able to provide a decent "not on a footpath" life for them. we r all social "ANIMALS"! u cannot live without the ppl that are there. u r there coz there is a hierarchy n u r fighting the battle every moment just as anyone else on the footpath is. so i once again urge u please wake up n grow up. i am doin my bit in my own little way. n i dont hv to justify my deeds or actions to anyone, let alone to u.
if u dont wish to help, then its very unfortunate that educated ppl like u r not truly using ur privileges for the betterment of ppl on the whole. there is a saying that University Education can make u read n write, etc but its not necessary that it can make u think. n U FALL IN EXACTLY THAT CATEGORY!!!!!
how come is anonymous so quiet? was looking fwd to another round of debate n discussion. sad, he/she gave up so soon :(
anyways, a correction to my comment.... these guys sleeping on the footpath, who got killed were INDEED labourers n not looking out for a job as i had wondered. so that further proves my point of NOT helping the "under privileged" n depriving them of a chance to "become self dependent".
they dont need someone's helping hand, in the sense (read 'monetory') that u (anonymous) wud like to think or believe us to give/help them.
just wanted to clarify further, even if u dint ask or dont want one either!!!
@ anonymous: I dont agree with what u say, though its ur personal opinion on the issue.Also another thing i donno what makes u remain anonymous. U dont need to get scared of anything when voicingur concerns.
@ altaf: I agree with you when u say that there r similarities between their cases, n thats the first thing that came to my mind when i heard the judgement. maybe Salman will get a reprieve now.
@ rev: only when incidents like this affect ones personal life, people will start speaking in a different voice.
Hey Rev...don’t worry i was actually out of town....but now i m back so it doesn't matter whether you win or lose; what matters is whether I win or lose.
Back to our discussion....you said this guyz are working as laborers...good.....so wat??????? They have the right to sleep on footpath?????? If yes...then Alistair is not wrong....If no then Alistair is right.....Footpath is a public place and it meant for walking and not for sleeping....
Whatever physical damage happened to that footpath....govt should charge Alistair for that....but not for killing....
About me...you are 100% rite Rev..i am a very selfish guy....I only think abt my family, friends & me....why da F@#$ I should use my privileges and hard earned money for the betterment of other ppl....I am not at all concerned wats this guys do or how to earn their bread and butter....I pay my tax regularly....I think this is the biggest betterment I m doin from my side...coz i turn govt utilize this money for betterment of this ppl ( Hope So )....
Rev u said u do something in little way to help this ppl...I would like to knw wat u do???? I don’t mind if you putting me in any category....coz that is been made by u…..n I don’t give a damn to it....
@cedric...don’t worry dude about my identity.....will reveal it soon...
Seems like you are a relative of Alistair. You are trying to prove him right at any cost. You told me to stop watching Ekta Kapoor serial, but the reality is that I watch only CID.
I would tell you that you are behaving like Ekta Kapoor serials. Hiding your identity and putting false comments.
I would give you a real example which happened 2 years back in somewhere in Ohio. 2 People were high drunked and was driving a car at 85 - 90 KMPH. At this speed, the 2 people hit a man and a boy standing near the other car parked. The man died instantly and there were minor injuries to the boy. The court sentenced him 5 years imprisonment.
I say this is proper law and system. If this could happen in other countries then why not our. I tell you, why. Because people here are corrupted. You give them money and they will do anything.
So Mr. Anonymous, research properly and comeup with good reason why Mr. (Master) Alistair should not be given a long term sentence.
Sorry for replying late as I was busy with some other work of mine. You know I am also working good, earning good, paying my taxes, and respect people and their lives.
@ cedric, i am sorry that ur blog space is seeing such arguments. i guess debate is good, but not when it gets nasty. pls forgive me, also dint hv a choice since there is no other way to argue with this mindless bugger called anonymous.
@ rev: i have really no problems with the kind of comments this article is getting. everyone is expressing thier displeasure so its totally acceptable. Actually even i wanna know who this anonymous is. Tough he is expressing his opionions i really dont agree much with him.
@ Paul,
Hey Paul,
It is not about laborer sleeping on the road or not. It is about human life, it is about the system, it is about the judgement which was given.
I haven't reasearched a lot, but its just that Mr. Alistair should be given a severe punishment which would have set an example (a good example) of the system.
But, nevertheless, I am liking this debate as it is allowing all of us to put down our opinion and toughts.
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