Second weekend in a row it has rained so heavily,
And just as before all things came to a stand gradually,
The system in place here has hardly learnt any lessons,
And it’s the people who have to face the brunt of their inactions.
Before the monsoons arrived they went ahead and declared,
"We are completely geared for the rains" is what they proclaimed,
This statement is made every year much to the amusement of viewers,
As a huge per cent of the roads is dug up and waiting for completion.
It really doesn't seem like things are going to improve in any way,
As the corrupt officials have started taking the common man for granted in every way,
Not owning up for the mess is something everyone seems to be doing nowadays,
So Mumbai's days as a developed city, is being taken to the cleaners with every passing day.
Dunno man.I'm sick of cribbing.One day I realised if I was doing nothing about it myself I had no frikkin right to crib about it either.Guess thats why I just enjoy things as they are now and think there will be a day when I won't be expecting a change,someday I'll make it.
@ shrew: i agree when u say, when i mself am not doing nything abt it then why crib? however the other way round some people are only getting paid for doing the same as a part of their job...i guess a part of teh taxes that we way also goes for this.. so even if they did their part things would be different...wat say?
hey dude! i agree with what u say... the same situation in pune as well. if only they took a lil more care for the roads they r doin up. remember the baner road? which was under construction...
once heavy down-pour n the state of the road is different.
also after reading ur n the shrew's comment here, tho i wud agree more with the shrew, i too feel we need to do something to help save things around us. i mean how many of us do anything drastic to better the situation. it cud be as simple as driving a bit slowly in the rains, n ensuring that water doesnt splash on people walking on the sides of the roads. or say ensuring that the garbage is disposed off properly. i guess all our actions shud not only be restircted to the rains, it is the all yr round thing which eventually piles up to something more disasterous.
i agree with u that corporation/govt is not doin much for the money they r getting paid. so instead maybe its time for us to prove a point by acting rather than depending on them, let alone asking them. if they hv that much shame, they shud wake up n feel the prick of conscience.
@ rev: maybe even i should really stop cribbing now...as shrew said i should stop expecting any changes..so maybe that might make a difference...its true i am not doing nything..so i hope next time u wont find any of my poems complaining abt nything..:-)
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