Saturday, August 18, 2007

Green Zone :-)

This is a story of Mr. A and Miss. B,
And this has really got nothing to do with me,
So enjoy your time reading this crap,
Before Miss. B comes n gives me a slap.

Dressed in colors so bright green,
A n B are out here to be seen,
Colors that catch the attention of one and all,
They have really come here to have a ball.

Don't know if we’re going to see them dance,
But if they surprise us that's our best chance,
So be on your toes to have a glance,
Coz Miss. B is waiting to mesmerize Mr. A with her hypnotic trance.

Hey Miss.B & Mr. A, Hope you don't take my poems too seriously....


Bombay Girl said...

Wow Cedric!! The blog looks delicious! I wish Miss B and Mr. A goodluck :D

Cedric Dias said...

@shrew: Thanks yaar..:-)

Anonymous said...

People should read this.