It's easy to identify when one is being avoided,
And this happens when people around u are a bit undecided.
This is what certain people have started making me feel,
And this can be spotted when people appear unreal.
Back stabbing is something i really dislike,
And this is something from me they are unlike.
I give a hell to this kind of behavior,
Coz with this one shows he/her is inferior.
There's a limit really to forgive and forget,
But i try my best to overcome this target.
I always thought i was a guy, who is jealous,
But with their behavior they really appear very callous.
This poem has been written in a fit of anger,
But don't get scared of me coz ur life is not in danger.
I as a person don't have a habit of talking behind peoples back, but have seen this behavior in many people. Why can't people tell what problems they have to the opposite person directly on the face than talking behind his/her back. It should not matter if the opposite person would get hurt. It is 10 times better than talking behind peoples back. What do u think?
This blog includes my feelings that I express in the form of words at every point of time in my life.
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Monday, June 26, 2006
What if each one of us is given 1440 rupees daily and all the money has to be spent on that day itself, because if you tried saving money for the next day, the money would disappear. You would then try to spend the money on things that could make your life comfortable or that could make you happy.
Similarly each one of us has 1440 minutes of time allotted to us daily. How much use do we make of this? Every minute that passes is lost, as one cannot hold time. However this time can be used to make people around us happy and to achieve things in life. Why do we hurt or try to create enmity between people, when the same time can be used for the betterment of people.
Why can't we spend our time as carefully as we do with money? Time is the most precious gift allotted to each one of us equally. One can achieve many things if time is well utilized. I really give a damn to what people talk behind my back, as i feel they are making a fool of themselves or are just showing how inferior they are. Instead it would be better for these people to utilize their time properly and see to it that what they deserve they get than to get something and not deserve it.
Do you agree?
Similarly each one of us has 1440 minutes of time allotted to us daily. How much use do we make of this? Every minute that passes is lost, as one cannot hold time. However this time can be used to make people around us happy and to achieve things in life. Why do we hurt or try to create enmity between people, when the same time can be used for the betterment of people.
Why can't we spend our time as carefully as we do with money? Time is the most precious gift allotted to each one of us equally. One can achieve many things if time is well utilized. I really give a damn to what people talk behind my back, as i feel they are making a fool of themselves or are just showing how inferior they are. Instead it would be better for these people to utilize their time properly and see to it that what they deserve they get than to get something and not deserve it.
Do you agree?
Sunday, June 25, 2006

Last weekend i and my college friends decided to meet at churchgate station and we had a good time catching up on those college days. We went about walking here and there, before finally watching Gateway of India, and having a good meal at Bade Miyan (Bade Miyan is in between Taj & Colaba Causeway, you can eat on the road or in your car and its open till the early hours of the morning.) That week turned out really well, so i decided in advance that even this weekend i would not stay at home.
Saturday morning the first thing i did was to attend a months mind mass at Holy Family Church Andheri, and i did happen to meet most of my relatives there. I then went to visit my school friends in Kalina whom i had lost touch in between when i shifted to Vasai. It really feels so good to stay in touch with friends with whom we definitely had a good time. I decided on saturday evening that on sunday morning i would leave for Vasai and meet my old building friends and relatives out there.
I did meet my relatives and i even had lunch at my cousin's place there. I met my friends in the morning and we decided to go to Suruchi Beach in the afternoon. So after lunch we around 10 guys wearing our shorts and with a football and bat and balls decided to leave for that spot. This place is around 15 minutes away from my earlier residence in Vasai. So we decided to catch hold of 2 autowalas and after some bargaining managed to convince them to accommodate 5 of us in each auto with a fare of Rs.10 per person.
Being a Sunday this place was very crowded. Parents with their children, boyfriends and girlfriends all seemed to be there. We located a spot at one end of the beach and decided to play football first. So we made two teams of 5 a side each and started with the game. Though i managed to score the first goal of this match, we eventually lost 3-2 when we decided to stop the game. We guys happened to be tired within the first fifteen minutes; i wonder how these footballers manage to play for 90 minutes.
Afterwards we just decided to clean ourselves by going in the water, though none of us was interested in swimming. My friends did manage to play a prank on me, though i was the one who had initially started with this when i lived there. We finally decided to leave for home at around 6 P.M. I then left for Kalina and promised to meet them again more often than i did this time. When i stayed for Vasai for 6 years, we hardly went for such outings.
It was definitely a good weekend and overall a good week. I did get an offer from my current company for a visit to China in early July. So the week ended with a bang for me as it had begun. Hope to have similar good weeks in my life.
Saturday, June 24, 2006
I knew i was always a guy, who is serious,
But that doesn't in any way prove that i was studious.
Taking engineering as a career was a decision made by me in haste,
And that's one decision that almost made my career a waste.
Engineering definitely took me to very lows,
But ultimately i managed to clear it anyhow.
It's also true that one of the high points of my life was in engineering,
And whenever i'm down in life i think about this moment that turns me inspiring.
Engineering was something that seemed like a tough ride,
But it has definitely thought me to take things in my stride.
But that doesn't in any way prove that i was studious.
Taking engineering as a career was a decision made by me in haste,
And that's one decision that almost made my career a waste.
Engineering definitely took me to very lows,
But ultimately i managed to clear it anyhow.
It's also true that one of the high points of my life was in engineering,
And whenever i'm down in life i think about this moment that turns me inspiring.
Engineering was something that seemed like a tough ride,
But it has definitely thought me to take things in my stride.
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
With sequels being in fashion, I thought why can't i also join the bandwagon. (For those who did not read my previous article: MEDIA: Identify your role) However the reason i am writing this article is to point out that the media seems to have lost it somewhere in terms of the news being covered. The television and print media share the blame equally in this regard.
What is the kind of news one sees when one watches T.V or reads the newspaper. Sex, Rape, Murder, Ghosts (Yes, you heard it right), etc. Instead of concentrating on issues that concern and benefit the common man, journalists seem to be broadcasting stories on fights between a husband and his wife over some family property.
A female artist (item girl as she is popularly known) has been in the new for all the wrong reasons since she entered the industry. With her dress sense and vulgar attitude she thinks she is a perfect role model for the aspiring item girls in the industry. Numerous cases have been filed against her for the way she presents herself. But for an entire 3 days, news on most channels and papers was concentrated on the way she was mistreated at a recent birthday party. News channels were giving her coverage, like she was some big celebrity and had never done anything wrong in her life. I'm not saying that this female deserved what she got. But it was clear that this female wanted some cheap publicity and she definitely managed to get that.
Another story involved some 2 lines about a uncle who was very concerned about his nephews life. He said he did not want his nephew's life to be destroyed. But the person showing concern in this case had actually killed his brother, the boy's father. Does this news really matter to the public? If the person was so concerned then why the hell did he kill the boy's father?
There's another artist whose songs are in the news right now. People seem to be crazy about his songs (Although all his songs sound alike.) There was some news being broadcast on T.V saying that in a certain village in India, people wanted a certain song of this artist to be banned, coz it was inviting ghosts. What rubbish is this, is it newsworthy?
What hurts even more, is the way certain news is presented without facts being verified properly. Concerns about a dead mans sexual preferences are being covered in newspapers, without proper verification. I don't know who is right and who is wrong. The person against whom allegations are being made is dead, he can't rise from the dead to prove this wrong. But what about the parents of that dead man, they have to live in society. Don't they have to answer and face people when they are enquired about all this? What do they do? Who is responsible for this, it's definitely the media.
With a big mockery being made on news channels, media seems to have lost it. Media is being used and abused by all the people who want to settle personal scores. Hope media is able to play a more responsible role in society.
What is the kind of news one sees when one watches T.V or reads the newspaper. Sex, Rape, Murder, Ghosts (Yes, you heard it right), etc. Instead of concentrating on issues that concern and benefit the common man, journalists seem to be broadcasting stories on fights between a husband and his wife over some family property.
A female artist (item girl as she is popularly known) has been in the new for all the wrong reasons since she entered the industry. With her dress sense and vulgar attitude she thinks she is a perfect role model for the aspiring item girls in the industry. Numerous cases have been filed against her for the way she presents herself. But for an entire 3 days, news on most channels and papers was concentrated on the way she was mistreated at a recent birthday party. News channels were giving her coverage, like she was some big celebrity and had never done anything wrong in her life. I'm not saying that this female deserved what she got. But it was clear that this female wanted some cheap publicity and she definitely managed to get that.
Another story involved some 2 lines about a uncle who was very concerned about his nephews life. He said he did not want his nephew's life to be destroyed. But the person showing concern in this case had actually killed his brother, the boy's father. Does this news really matter to the public? If the person was so concerned then why the hell did he kill the boy's father?
There's another artist whose songs are in the news right now. People seem to be crazy about his songs (Although all his songs sound alike.) There was some news being broadcast on T.V saying that in a certain village in India, people wanted a certain song of this artist to be banned, coz it was inviting ghosts. What rubbish is this, is it newsworthy?
What hurts even more, is the way certain news is presented without facts being verified properly. Concerns about a dead mans sexual preferences are being covered in newspapers, without proper verification. I don't know who is right and who is wrong. The person against whom allegations are being made is dead, he can't rise from the dead to prove this wrong. But what about the parents of that dead man, they have to live in society. Don't they have to answer and face people when they are enquired about all this? What do they do? Who is responsible for this, it's definitely the media.
With a big mockery being made on news channels, media seems to have lost it. Media is being used and abused by all the people who want to settle personal scores. Hope media is able to play a more responsible role in society.
Saturday, June 17, 2006
Brainless Municipal Corporation (B.M.C)
Its been more than a fortnight, since the city was lashed by the first rain,
But lessons learnt by the B.M.C from this, seem to have gone down the drain.
They said that about the early first rain, even the meteorological dept. was unaware,
And there was no way, by which they could have updated the citizens to beware.
They said they had planned to deal with the dug up roads by June the fifth,
But since the last fortnight, the roads seem to have been filled with only filth.
People heading the B.M.C go about their duties as if they are brainless
Hence privatization of the B.M.C is the only alternative to avoid this mess.
Now as the B.M.C will not finish the roadwork even if they worked overtime,
Mumbaikars will have to be prepared again for another harrowing time.
But lessons learnt by the B.M.C from this, seem to have gone down the drain.
They said that about the early first rain, even the meteorological dept. was unaware,
And there was no way, by which they could have updated the citizens to beware.
They said they had planned to deal with the dug up roads by June the fifth,
But since the last fortnight, the roads seem to have been filled with only filth.
People heading the B.M.C go about their duties as if they are brainless
Hence privatization of the B.M.C is the only alternative to avoid this mess.
Now as the B.M.C will not finish the roadwork even if they worked overtime,
Mumbaikars will have to be prepared again for another harrowing time.
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
As the last time time around, i was unsure about her feeling,
It was good of her to update, that our friendship would be unceasing.
Hey girl thanks for really clearing the air,
As i was actually in a state of despair.
Actually i was a bit confused by your actions,
Hence wanted to know what warranted your reactions.
I was feeling like, i was being avoided,
And i thought, about me you were still undecided.
Its good to know that as a friend, you are still concerned for me,
Coz u wanted me to stop thinking and writing poems on thee.
It was good of her to update, that our friendship would be unceasing.
Hey girl thanks for really clearing the air,
As i was actually in a state of despair.
Actually i was a bit confused by your actions,
Hence wanted to know what warranted your reactions.
I was feeling like, i was being avoided,
And i thought, about me you were still undecided.
Its good to know that as a friend, you are still concerned for me,
Coz u wanted me to stop thinking and writing poems on thee.
Sunday, June 11, 2006
Hey girl you've been sounding very sweet of late,
And i don't know the reason behind this mate.
It feels good to hear such a pleasant voice,
And it definitely makes everyone feel nice.
There are many things about you that i miss,
And thinking about them makes me bliss.
But there's one thing that's still bothering me,
As i feel that you've still not forgiven me.
If that's the case then do let me know,
Coz i'll try to convince you anyhow.
And if you do feel i'm not worthy to be your friend,
Then do let me know, so that our relation can amicably end.
And i don't know the reason behind this mate.
It feels good to hear such a pleasant voice,
And it definitely makes everyone feel nice.
There are many things about you that i miss,
And thinking about them makes me bliss.
But there's one thing that's still bothering me,
As i feel that you've still not forgiven me.
If that's the case then do let me know,
Coz i'll try to convince you anyhow.
And if you do feel i'm not worthy to be your friend,
Then do let me know, so that our relation can amicably end.
Saturday, June 10, 2006
Since a month or so there has been a gradual build-up,
For one of the biggest events on earth, the Football World Cup.
In our country where cricket is a game that is widely watched,
Love for Soccer as a sport is really not that far-fetched.
Youngsters and elders have been waiting, to watch their favourite stars,
As the love for this sport called Football, has no age bars.
Banning sex during the tournament, has been one of the coaches calls,
This is because they want their players to concentrate on the right balls.
The tournament started yesterday with a decent opening ceremony,
And it was good to see players from all countries in perfect harmony.
With goals being scored in the first match at a very high rate,
Fans like me would be hoping for similar results in every game.
(I'm supporting England, how about you.)
For one of the biggest events on earth, the Football World Cup.
In our country where cricket is a game that is widely watched,
Love for Soccer as a sport is really not that far-fetched.
Youngsters and elders have been waiting, to watch their favourite stars,
As the love for this sport called Football, has no age bars.
Banning sex during the tournament, has been one of the coaches calls,
This is because they want their players to concentrate on the right balls.
The tournament started yesterday with a decent opening ceremony,
And it was good to see players from all countries in perfect harmony.
With goals being scored in the first match at a very high rate,
Fans like me would be hoping for similar results in every game.
(I'm supporting England, how about you.)
The first rains brought most parts of the city to a standstill,
And this is because the government agencies lack the necessary will.
They are more concerned about passing the reservation bill,
While the state of the city, is slowly but steadily going downhilll.
Before the rains arrived, they said all systems were in place,
But the first rains had them running all over to cover their face.
The blame game started after the very first downpour,
This only showed what our power crazy politicians devour.
If things like flood could not change anything in the city for good,
Don't know what else could change the city in all likelihood,
And this is because the government agencies lack the necessary will.
They are more concerned about passing the reservation bill,
While the state of the city, is slowly but steadily going downhilll.
Before the rains arrived, they said all systems were in place,
But the first rains had them running all over to cover their face.
The blame game started after the very first downpour,
This only showed what our power crazy politicians devour.
If things like flood could not change anything in the city for good,
Don't know what else could change the city in all likelihood,
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Hey girl i know, you might be thinking i'm crazy,
But there's something about you, that drives me frenzy.
I knew today, my work would keep me busy,
And chatting on MSN would be a luxury.
So i decided, there's no better way to start such a day,
Than speaking to a good friend, whom i think about everyday.
Her voice sounded real sweet, when i spoke to her today,
And i asked her about the reason behind this display.
She laughed it out, giving a very silly reason,
But i told her that she should be like this, whatever the season.
Speaking to her really made my day,
And i think i should do this everyday.
But there's something about you, that drives me frenzy.
I knew today, my work would keep me busy,
And chatting on MSN would be a luxury.
So i decided, there's no better way to start such a day,
Than speaking to a good friend, whom i think about everyday.
Her voice sounded real sweet, when i spoke to her today,
And i asked her about the reason behind this display.
She laughed it out, giving a very silly reason,
But i told her that she should be like this, whatever the season.
Speaking to her really made my day,
And i think i should do this everyday.
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
50 First Dates

Last weekend i happened to watch a movie called 50 First Dates. The cast of this movie included Adam Sandler as Henry Roth and Drew Barrymore as Lucy. Henry was a veterinarian at an aquarium in Hawaii. Lucy is a girl with a short term memory loss.
This was the result of an accident she had met with earlier in her life. She happens to remember everything before the accident. But every day after the accident is like a first day, meaning she cannot remember anything that has occurred in her life after the accident. Even if she meets some new person she forgets him/her the next day. Henry happens to fall in love with Lucy. The only problem is that he has to keep getting her to fall in love with him every time they meet. This is in order for them to have a relationship, as she never remembers the last time she met him.
This movie had many scenes wherein i was relating to our lives it self. The doctor who was treating Lucy showed a person who had a comparatively worse memory problem. He forgets a thing which he was informed about in 10 seconds.
In life we take many things for granted. We think that what we have is less. However do we ever compare ourselves with those people, who are not so lucky in terms of what we have? The other day when I had to walk through that stinking dirty water, I had become paranoid of my condition. I happened to take bath twice in an hour with dettol. But as my friend Denzil had pointed out to me in an earlier article that i should consider myself fortunate enough, as there are people who live on the roads, and don’t have the luxury of even taking bath.
The movie also had the father and brother of Lucy trying to make life easy for her. They knew that Lucy’s condition was such that it would never heal. However every night after Lucy went to sleep, they got back to work preparing for the next morning. They tried their best to see that Lucy faced no problem in living life, like any normal person.
How do we treat our near and dear ones when they get sick? Once we know that the person we love is having a problem, do we stand in their hour of need, or do we run away from the situation.
Image Courtesy:
Monday, June 05, 2006
The other day i happened to think a lot about her,
And was feeling very bad for the times i've hurt her.
I miss her daily in some form or the other,
And this is because we are no longer together.
I happened to always take her for granted,
But now this makes me feel very dejected.
I know that i've always been a guy, who is jealous,
And it's my thinking & not her behavior that's made me callous.
She always said that she considered me a good friend,
But her feelings for me, i've always failed to comprehend.
After troubling her so much, she still accepted me as a friend,
And with time, my behavior is something that i'll like to amend.
And was feeling very bad for the times i've hurt her.
I miss her daily in some form or the other,
And this is because we are no longer together.
I happened to always take her for granted,
But now this makes me feel very dejected.
I know that i've always been a guy, who is jealous,
And it's my thinking & not her behavior that's made me callous.
She always said that she considered me a good friend,
But her feelings for me, i've always failed to comprehend.
After troubling her so much, she still accepted me as a friend,
And with time, my behavior is something that i'll like to amend.
Sunday, June 04, 2006
With politicians being adamant on their stand of passing the reservation bill, things in the near future are looking very grim.
Consider this particular scenario:
A doctor is caring for a patient with osteoporosis. The patient asks the doctor which of the following reasons is responsible for the condition. Which of the following reasons should the doctor state as the cause of the patient's condition?
A. General category peoples genes are responsible for osteoporosis.
B. Scheduled Caste (S.C) category peoples genes are responsible for osteoporosis.
C. Calcium and vitamin D deficiency is responsible for osteoporosis.
D. Scheduled Tribe (S.C) category peoples genes are responsible for osteoporosis.
Looking at the above scenario its obvious what the right answer is. (The answer is C, for people who really found it tough.)
The message i'm trying to convey is pretty simple. One cannot state that only certain people or to be specific, only people belonging to certain categories are prone to illness. When the illness being treated is not divided on the basis of caste, then why the doctors who are treating them be.
Why the hell does a student need to get advantages in the form of reservation, just because he/she belongs to a specific category. Are children born to General Category parents having certain advantages in terms of intelligence. If there's a scientific justification for this, then there should be reservation. If however the argument is, that the other so called backward categories are suppressed in some form, then it's very wrong. We have people that are financially stable, who belong to all comunities and categories.
Why not have a system instead, which helps the poorer students of society in terms of funds since the school level. Why do we only discriminate between students at the professional entry level. Reservation politics is only used to have a vote bank, and nothing else. Because by dividing people on the basis of caste, we are only going behind, while the world is moving ahead in terms of development.
It is not important, whether a patient with some sickness or a doctor treating the sickness, belongs to O.B.C, General, or SC/ST category. What matters is, that they are Human Being's.
Consider this particular scenario:
A doctor is caring for a patient with osteoporosis. The patient asks the doctor which of the following reasons is responsible for the condition. Which of the following reasons should the doctor state as the cause of the patient's condition?
A. General category peoples genes are responsible for osteoporosis.
B. Scheduled Caste (S.C) category peoples genes are responsible for osteoporosis.
C. Calcium and vitamin D deficiency is responsible for osteoporosis.
D. Scheduled Tribe (S.C) category peoples genes are responsible for osteoporosis.
Looking at the above scenario its obvious what the right answer is. (The answer is C, for people who really found it tough.)
The message i'm trying to convey is pretty simple. One cannot state that only certain people or to be specific, only people belonging to certain categories are prone to illness. When the illness being treated is not divided on the basis of caste, then why the doctors who are treating them be.
Why the hell does a student need to get advantages in the form of reservation, just because he/she belongs to a specific category. Are children born to General Category parents having certain advantages in terms of intelligence. If there's a scientific justification for this, then there should be reservation. If however the argument is, that the other so called backward categories are suppressed in some form, then it's very wrong. We have people that are financially stable, who belong to all comunities and categories.
Why not have a system instead, which helps the poorer students of society in terms of funds since the school level. Why do we only discriminate between students at the professional entry level. Reservation politics is only used to have a vote bank, and nothing else. Because by dividing people on the basis of caste, we are only going behind, while the world is moving ahead in terms of development.
It is not important, whether a patient with some sickness or a doctor treating the sickness, belongs to O.B.C, General, or SC/ST category. What matters is, that they are Human Being's.
Friday, June 02, 2006
After protests on reservation were carried out for more than a fortnight,
The government realized that the situation was very airtight.
The government with their false policies tried their best to overcome this situation,
But the students however realized that this was another false declaration.
In our country where commissions are setup for basically anything,
And their recommendations are rejected like they are worth nothing.
How can the students trust setting of such commissions,
When the idea behind this is just to suppress the situations.
But with the Supreme Court warning the students to end their agitation,
The students have had to end their demonstrations on reservation.
And now with the topic of reservation pending in court,
Agitating students will hope their seats remain unhurt.
Hoping that the courts will make a ruling sooner than later,
And that the judgment will only make the education system better.
The government realized that the situation was very airtight.
The government with their false policies tried their best to overcome this situation,
But the students however realized that this was another false declaration.
In our country where commissions are setup for basically anything,
And their recommendations are rejected like they are worth nothing.
How can the students trust setting of such commissions,
When the idea behind this is just to suppress the situations.
But with the Supreme Court warning the students to end their agitation,
The students have had to end their demonstrations on reservation.
And now with the topic of reservation pending in court,
Agitating students will hope their seats remain unhurt.
Hoping that the courts will make a ruling sooner than later,
And that the judgment will only make the education system better.
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