The last time round when i had written the article on Alistair Pereira, i tried to express my opinion on what i felt was a wrong verdict. The laborers who were sleeping on the footpath had become victims of this guys drunken driving. I have highlighted the word "Footpath" as that's where these guys were sleeping.
However with every passing day, it seems that some of these laborers are taking public anger over the judgment as a victory for themselves. After sleeping on the footpaths, these guys have taken their sleep a bit further and now have started sleeping on the roads. Nowadays while on my way to work, i see that a large number of these guys sleep on the roads. I don't think anyone would, and can justify this action of theirs. Just as I always felt, footpaths are one place where the person driving a vehicle should not stray on. Similarly i feel, roads are one place where these laborers should not sleep on.
It's true that firstly footpaths or roads are not for sleeping.. And that the concerned authorities may have given them some leeway by allowing them to sleep on the footpaths.. But if people start sleeping on the roads i donno what next...do we need flyovers everywhere, so that these roads can be left open for the guys to sleep. I just received a mail a couple of days back wherein the photo suggests a new test for driving license in Mumbai... I think that's just the way the scene may look like, when in the near future you apply for a driving license in Mumbai....
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