Name: Flight Lieutenant Ronald Kevin Serrao
Age: 26 Years
Birthday: January 17th 1981
Deathday: January 18th 2007
Married on: April 29, 2006
Married to: Flight Lieutenant Deepika Dadlani Serrao

I just came to know about this person 2 days back. I had heard the news on T.V. about a guy who had lost his life flying an IAF aircraft. I ignored this news as we have so many IAF aircrafts meeting with accidents nowadays. However my sister updated me that this person happened to be from our native place, and hence i referred a site for more details on him. Reading about him made me feel life is so cruel at times. Why did he deserve to die in this manner?
This guy was killed while taking part in a live air-to-ground firing exercise in Jaisalmer district of Rajasthan. His father John Serrao was a Lieutenant Colonel (Retired) and his mom Jessica Serrao was a doctor. He had not even completed 5 years with the IAF, but his life did come to a tragic end.
It felt even worse reading his Orkut profile because we had people scrapping him on the 17th of January, wishing him on his birthday and the very next day people were writing scraps that involved condolences on his death. Life can change within such a short span of time. Don't know why GOD decided to call him at this early age. He had got married just about 8 months back to Flight Lieutenant Deepika, don't know what life has in store for this family now.
Here are some details of their profile which really ticked the funny bone in me:
Name: Ronald Kevin Serrao
Passions: Deepika
Sports:I'm game for anything...
Activities: Try me out....i'm ready
Books:I prefer them closed...or better still...in a library
Music: Can dance to any tune...
Movies: There are much better things to do in a hall ...I could never pay attention to one....;-)
Cuisines: Aaah..now u'r talkin...love to eat...donno y some people call me a carnivore though...
Job description: I always wanted to fly high in the sky ..so there i am...
Career interests: Aviation n aviation alone...d sky is my home...
Ideal match: Got one already
First thing you will notice about me: Everything
In my bedroom you will find: What do do expect....a football field???

Name: Deepika Dadlani Serrao
About me: Have you seen beauty with brains....its me
About me: Have you seen beauty with brains....its me
Activities: Love travelling...esp with kevin
Music: Crazy bout any kind of music..esp the kind kevin plays for me..
Music: Crazy bout any kind of music..esp the kind kevin plays for me..
TV shows: Don't have time to watch the telly when kevin's around..
Movies: If only i could get my eyes off my husband...
Cuisines: Anything made by kevin
First thing you will notice about me: Kevin
Cuisines: Anything made by kevin
First thing you will notice about me: Kevin
Turn offs: Anyone other than kevin
My idea of a perfect first date: Just kevin
From my past relationships i learned: Kevin is the best
Five things i can't live without: kevin, kevin, kevin, kevin, kevin
In my bedroom you will find: kevin
In my bedroom you will find: kevin

even i m really fellin bad men
yeah u are correct y he ???
but life is always unfair my friend, u jus can't help it
I wish if we cud do somethin abt it :(
At loss for words... [:(]
Too Touching...
I was really moved with the incidence....bt God knows better....
may his soul RIP
Very touching and sad ...
This is so terrible man.
Shit they weren't even married for an year.
Cedric would you mind if I directed people to this post by linking it on my blog?
@ The Shrew: I have no problems with that. My only aim of writing this article is for people to know the pain that some of us have to suffer. So you can go ahead and link the same on ur blog. :-)
Its so sad yaar, sometimes life is so unfair, its really a big disaster to his family as well as our country, may his soul Rest in Peace
Thank ya.
I was hestitant because your blog isn't public.It's done.
hey ppl don lose a chane to tel ppl how much they mean too u or how much u love thm coz life can take a turn netime its very cruel.......
may his soul rest in peace.......
@ amit: Life is very unpredictable.
@ joyner: Agreed. Convey ones point whenever one can.
Hello Cedric. I chanced upon your blog while doing a Google search for Flt.Lt. Ronald Kevin Serrao. He was a family friend of my in-laws. I have posted a tribute to him on my blog. The story moved me so much, that I made a series of 7 paintings on him for his family. Two of them are posted on my blog. Please do take a look.I met Flt. Lt. Deepika Dadlani just two days back when she came to collect her paintings ( I made 4 for her).
Ronnie's story makes us wonder about the uncertainty of life, yes. But it also makes us want to live like him- with a passion, seizing life by the horns.
Take care and happy blogging...
Life IS really unfair. Really moving tale of this young air pilot. May his soul rest in peace and God give his family all the strength to deal with thier loss.
Makes me wonder ... you never know whats life got in store for you .. all u cant do is .. Live it to the fullest every moment !
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It is certainly interesting for me to read this post. Thank author for it. I like such topics and everything that is connected to this matter. I would like to read a bit more on that blog soon.
It is indeed very sad. I dont have words to express my sorrow. My deepest condolences to Mrs.Deepika.
And I salute to all our IAF pilots.
Siddharth Chatterjee.
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
Don't stop posting such themes. I like to read blogs like this. By the way add more pics :)
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Hi Cedric,
I happened to be reading an old article about Kevin and when did a google search, I came upon this blog...Kevin was a very good friend of mine..I had the fortune to be associated with him way back in 1997, when we did a short course in NIIT in Chennai. We were a gang of four and were quite thick friends, when he moved from Chennai..but he still stayed in touch.. My heart still cries when I think of him and his winning smile. I had spoken to him just a few weeks before his crash, and to think that he is not there with us...cant say much.
Salute to all our IAF pilots..
He was a very fine officer.. He was a really close friend.. He was my dad's champ or i can say just like his own son. One real good dancer and one of the perfect flyers! I miss him alot.. and still cherish the memories with him and deepika di.. miss u loads bhaiya! luv ya.muaah<3
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I know Ronald Kevin Seraro from the time when he was posted at OCU in Tezpur. He was a thorough gentleman officer and a great guy. I got the news of his tragic crash when I was in Chabua. I felt really bad that day. But life went on and today when I heard of another Jaguar crash just out of curiosity I searched for Kevin and all of sudden all those interactions with then Fg Offr Kevin came to my mind and again I am sad today for his loss.
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