He happened to be the president of his country for a period spanning more than two decades,
However the fear which he generated among his own people was more than any other head of state.
Arab nations admired him as a leader, who dared to defy Israel and the West,
However some called him a barbaric dictator who should be finally laid to Rest.
Efforts from different world leaders failed in his persuasion,
And his regime was finally overthrown by a United States invasion,
His capture by the U.S. forces resulted in the start of his persecution,
And justice was finally delivered to his people in the form of his execution.
However the fear which he generated among his own people was more than any other head of state.
Arab nations admired him as a leader, who dared to defy Israel and the West,
However some called him a barbaric dictator who should be finally laid to Rest.
Efforts from different world leaders failed in his persuasion,
And his regime was finally overthrown by a United States invasion,
His capture by the U.S. forces resulted in the start of his persecution,
And justice was finally delivered to his people in the form of his execution.
George Bush:
He is currently the president of his country for a period which is nearing two terms,
However the fear which he generates among Islamic countries is more than any other head of state.
Western nations consider him as a leader, who defied the United Nations and rest of the West,
However most of the Arab countries and other nations think of him only as a good speaker and for his similarity to a chimpanzee at best.
Efforts from different world leaders in going to war failed in his persuasion,
And hopefully his regime will be finally overthrown by a United States election,
Hopefully his capture by the Islamic Terrorists result in the start of his persecution,
And justice will be finally delivered to the civilians families who died in Iraq & Afghanistan in the form of his execution.
However the fear which he generates among Islamic countries is more than any other head of state.
Western nations consider him as a leader, who defied the United Nations and rest of the West,
However most of the Arab countries and other nations think of him only as a good speaker and for his similarity to a chimpanzee at best.
Efforts from different world leaders in going to war failed in his persuasion,
And hopefully his regime will be finally overthrown by a United States election,
Hopefully his capture by the Islamic Terrorists result in the start of his persecution,
And justice will be finally delivered to the civilians families who died in Iraq & Afghanistan in the form of his execution.
1 comment:
In the latter case there is still hope left:)
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