Since last week there were signs of rain hitting parts of Mumbai city. Since yesterday night it started raining in most parts of Mumbai city. Lightning accompanied the rains. In the morning however the rains had gone, but it was darker than usual. Since i travel from Santacruz to Mulund for work, i noticed the impact even these first rains had on the roads. Water seemed to have accumulated in various potholes and at some places in Ghatkopar water had accumulated a feet high. I kept wondering what would happen if the rains were heavier.
Last years rain, especially the day of July 26th and the next week or so, no Mumbaikar will forget that easily. Every part of the city was flooded and many people lost their lives. I used to live in Vasai then. I too was affected by these rains then, however the impact on me was much less, as i stayed overnight in office. People who left office for home, never reached that day and most people reached their homes after nearly 24 hours of struggle. There was no power for 3-4 days in parts of Santacruz and other suburbs because of the flooding.
This time however, i and my parents had shifted to my brother's place in Kalina, Santacruz. I happened to be in office today between 9-5:30 P.M. The rain again started in mid afternoon in Mulund. On chatting with my friends i came to know that it was raining in Dadar and Goregaon as well. Power also went thereafter, however due to the presence of Inverters i had to continue my work. I left office exactly at 5:30 P.M. I normally get a bus for home at 5:40 P.M. But with the first rains the bus arrived at 6:00 P.M. I was lucky enough to get a window seat, and was only waiting to reach home.
During my journey for home, the bus was getting overcrowded. This was the first time i had seen so much rush on this route. I tried calling home; however no one seemed to pick the phone. Lightning and heavy rains continued till i reached my bus stop in Kalina. As the rains were heavy when i got down, and i had not carried my umbrella, i decided to wait near a Panwala's shop near the bus stop. However the rains were showing no signs of slowing down. After 20 minutes of standing, i decided to pack my mobile and ipod in a plastic bag and then decided to walk. By the time i reached half way to my home, there was knee high water waiting for me. I again waited for 10 minutes and decided on my next course of action.
I could not decide what to do, as i had seen earlier in the morning children shit on that road, and garbage stinking so much that i was spitting continuosly. Now i had to decide if i needed to walk through knee deep water in that same area. Some people started walking through this road. I could not wait any longer and decided to walk through. You cannot imagine what things were going through my mind as i walked through this water. I reached my building and guess what, one feet of water even here. I reached my home, but my parents were not there. (I guessed right, they had gone to church for novena as it was a Wednesday.)
I kept water on the gas, and made it boil. I put 2 tablespoons of Dettol in two buckets. In one of the buckets i put my shoes and the other bucket i took bath. I was just thinking what sickness i might catch. After taking bath, i decided to visit a doctor so that he could give some medication to prevent any illness. I walked through the building water again and reached the doctors dispensary. It proved to me my bad luck as the doctor's dispensary was locked. I guess the doctor did not come, coz it was raining heavily everywhere.
I decided to go to a shop and buy a bottle of extra dettol. I decided to do this, as i wanted my clothes, which i had worn in that stinking water to be clean, so that the next time round i could wear them. Here i come home again, and my parents had still not arrived. I decided to take bath in hot water again. I don't know what was happening to me, but suddenly walking through that water again made me uncomfortable. So i decided to wash my sandals in one bucket of dettol soaked water, and i took bath in another bucket of dettol soaked water.
I don't remember any other day wherein i took bath twice in an hour. And remember this was only the first rain. I am actually very scared as to what sickness i might catch after walking to that urine, gutter, and garbage water. Hopefully i will live tomorrow to read your comments on this article.