Hey all....it's been a long time since i last updated my blog. Plan to start with it all over again.So guys you may have been in love at some point in ur life. It may have been in school, college, ur neighbourhood, office. When did u actually feel, that the person you love is so important to you that you cannot live without him/her.
Let me tell u more about myself. I was this kind of guy who had a friend circle of boys till college. In fact my friends can hardly argue with me, if i say that none of them had any girlfriends. My first office which was JPMorgan Chase, (where i was in the technical support) also was a group of 30 odd boys. Consider this bad luck or whatever, coz only around the time i left the company they started hiring females.
So here i join a company in november 2006 as a technical writer & what do i see, girls outnumber boys. Infact during the written test out there, i seen a beautiful girl. Infact during the introduction the only name i remembered among girls was her's. But that was not the end, next day i came to know that she's married. Some of my like minded friends told me don't lose hope, coz even they had thought the same, when they had seen her.
As time passed by in this office, i felt i was falling in love with a different girl. At one point i even told her i have a crush. But as luck would have it, she told me, can we just be friends. I did not wan't to lose that girl & thought it is better to be friends than otherwise. I dreamt about her most of the time. Infact among the first things in the morning i used to think about was her, and also among the last things before sleeping.
The girl i liked was actually very friendly. I may have mistaken her friendliness for love, but as things stand i have not been able to overcome my feelings for her. She had such an influence on me, that i started writing poetic messages on love. But now i have resigned from this office and still continue my feelings for her.
I dont't know this is love or infatuation. So guys please let me know if you have experienced such feelings. Feel free to leave ur comments.
I know you since the last 5 years... and I know that you never used to interact with any girl in college....
Infact you always stayed out of their way... Maybe this is one of the reason that you misunderstood the friendliness of the gal you loved as LOVE...
Tell you what... It is very difficult to read a gal's mind... One moment she is your friend and the very next minute she is not...
This makes it very interesting for us boys to woo girls for their unpredictable nature...
Anyways... remember this advice when in LOVE... "Love the other person without expecting anything in return...and you won't ever repent"
We repent because we expected the other person to LOVE us... When Jesus Christ can be betrayed by his own disciple... who are we???
"Love feels like HEAVEN but Hurts like HELL"
ANNE - I don't agree with veiky, but i do agree with Denzil, Even I have gone through this pain, I know what it is all about. LOVE FEELS LIKE HEAVEN BUT IT HURTS LIKE HELL.
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